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Carbs – The Energy Booster

Carbohydrates, one of the essential nutrients required for our body are sugar molecules. Also known as carbs they are one of the main nutrients found in foods and drinks along with proteins and fats. Our body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and glucose is the main source of energy for our body cells, tissues and organs. Our body uses this glucose for instant energy that can be used immediately for the functioning of the brain, nervous system, muscles and various other organs. Despite all this, there is still some controversy about the nature of carbohydrates.

There is probably a debate today over the role of carbohydrates in our diets. Many people think that it is healthy to include less carbohydrate in their diet. There is a misconception among people that intake of carbohydrates is less beneficial. Due to this misbelief that consumption of carbohydrates puts on weight, folks with weight loss plans are less attracted towards this. But the reality is that proteins and fats are the reason for weight gain. Carbohydrate is our major source of energy. It has significant health benefits also. A great deal of research shows that this is not the case. Choosing the healthiest carbohydrates, especially the whole grains, is important for one’s well-being. 

Classification –                                                                                   

Classified according to their chemical structure and digestibility carbohydrates are divided into two – Simple and Complex. Simple carbohydrates are easily digestible as they are in the form of sugars. They are found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and honey, they generally form crystals and easily dissolve in water. This also includes processed sugars like table sugar, brown sugar, molasses etc. Simple carbs can be broken down by the body quickly and can be used as energy.

On the other hand Complex carbohydrates have a range of textures, flavours, colours and molecular structures. These are further divided into starches and fiber. Complex carbs are loaded with more nutrients than simple ones. They have high fibre content and digest slowly .Hence they are a good option for weight control. It is also an ideal diet for people with type 2 diabetes as it helps to control sugar level spikes after meals. Apart from fruits and vegetables complex carbs are also seen in whole grains like brown rice, wheat, bean etc.

Need of Carbs in Summer

As mentioned earlier, carbs are energy related nutrients. But what’s the importance of carbs in summers? Do we need to consume more carbohydrates in the summer? The answer is ‘Yes’ only carbohydrates have the ability to convert the food we eat into glucose as quickly as possible. Our body works harder when we engage in various sports and other physical activities. So it requires more power and as the energy utilization increases, the body needs more carbohydrates for energy.

Positive sides of Carbohydrates

  • Carbs or Complex Carbohydrates helps in the incitement of the brain, kidneys, heart muscles and nervous system.
  • Fiber present in carbohydrates aids in digestion and also keeps cholesterol levels in check.
  • Consuming carbohydrates in the right proportion is known to relieve insomnia.
  • As carbohydrates can transform food into energy quickly it helps one to perform his mental and physical tasks more accurately.
  • This triggers the performance of people who are engaged mostly in physical activities like sportspersons.
  • Focus on complex carbohydrates as it provides important nutrients and keeps your body well nourished and fights diseases.

Negative Sides of Carbohydrates

  • Too much intake of Carbs in the form of simple sugars can lead to weight gain.
  • Weight gain/obesity results in fatigue and it affects one’s overall performance.
  • Simple carbs are known to increase the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol levels due to increase in triglycerides and also chronic diseases like cancers.
  • Due to its low-fiber and high fat profile many carb diets lead to ketosis( accumulation of blood in ketones which is a by-product of fat metabolism) and result in unwanted side effects like nausea, dehydration, dizziness, fatigue etc.

The bottom line is that good health is the most important goal and that a diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein sources which is low in saturated fat is a more recommended one. Remember Carbohydrates are high quality fuels compared to proteins/fats and are required less to release their energy.

Choose Healthy; Stay Happy

See You Soon

Thank You !

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Krishnakumar+B

    A good article. I liked the last paragraph begins with bottom line….
    Yes a balanced diet should be really a balanced one. Always prefer to consume foods are easily available and seasonal one.

    1. Kavitha

      Thank You Kochacha

  2. Salini

    Very Informative 👍👍

    1. Kavitha

      Thank You Salu 🙂

  3. Sumi+Ullas

    People needs to know about carbs and to take a right amount of carbs in day today life.

    1. Kavitha

      Thank You Sumi 🙂

  4. Dinesh+Gopinath

    എന്നെപ്പോലുള്ള കപ്പതീനികളെ ബെർത്തേ ബെഷമിപ്പിക്കരുതേ…. 😁

    1. Kavitha

      Ayyooo… illa. There is nothing wrong with taking the right amount.

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